Sorry I have not been able to keep up with the amount of messages being posted to this page.
Please don't expect immediate reply.

Before you send me a message please understand the following:

- None of the things on my site are for sale. Don't ask to buy it.

- If you want to offer me some video equipment, please consider the cost of shipping it to me first as I live in New Zealand.

- I do not have scanned / electronic versions of my manuals, so don't get your hopes up about me being able to send you a copy. However if you ask for a page or two I can normally email them to you.

- There are a number of places that sell replacement batteries on the Internet and a number of places selling Manuals. Do a search yourself before getting me to do it for you.

- There is no point asking to buy the items in my collection. This is not a shop or a Business.

- I don't magically know what 'That VCR on your site' is, so please tell me the model number with your question. :-)

- I will always reply to your question*. Sometimes it might take a week for me to get to it. Please make sure your e-mail address is entered correctly and check your junk folder.
*I will not respond if you are asking to buy something.

Note: Items on this site are not for sale. This site is for displaying my collection only.
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